Mitä palveluita kuuluu leasingsopimukseen?

Company car services

A company car is a carefree alternative to acquire a new car without unexpected costs.

As an NF Fleet customer, driving is easy and carefree. Service & maintenance, vehicle inspection, as well as tire services are all included in your lease contract. We have compiled a list of things you need to know about your leasing car’s maintenance during the leasing contract. You can always contact NF Fleet for help. Check out the contact details.


Service, maintenance and repair of a leasing car

Service, maintenance and repair of a leasing car

As an NF Fleet customer, the scheduled maintenance of your leasing vehicle is free of charge.


Read more about maintenance and repairs

Leasing car inspection

Leasing car inspection

For vehicles owned by NF Fleet, inspection is free of charge.


Time-based inspection

Please ensure your company car is inspected on time. If your car was registered before 20 May 2018, the first inspection must be performed no later than three years after the first registration date. Cars registered after this date must be inspected four years after the first registration date for the first time and then after every second year.

NF Fleet partner A-katsastus

You can have your company car inspected at any inspection station. If you choose A-katsastus Oy, you can identify yourself with your NF Fleet fuelcard as a display card, and your invoice will be sent directly to NF Fleet. If you don’t have a fuel card, you can ask the inspection station to send the invoice to us.

Leasing vehicle tires

Leasing vehicle tires

All our leasing cars are equipped with summer and winter tires. The lease also includes seasonal tire changes as well as tire changes due to normal wear and tear.


When do I need to change to winter tires?

Winter tires must be used from November to March if the weather conditions require.

NF Fleet partners are Euromaster and Vianor

You can have your leasing car’s tires changed Vianor or Euromaster stations.

Leasing car accidents and collisions

Leasing car accidents and collisions

All NF Fleet vehicles are insured with a fully comprehensive insurance.

All NF Fleet vehicles are insured with a fully comprehensive insurance. In the event of a collision, you must follow general emergency instructions.

  • Act calmly
  • Call for help.
  • If there is a counterparty to the accident, call the police.
  • Remember the emergency number 112.

Ordering a recovery vehicle

If your car needs to be towed, you can call NF Fleet roadside assistance at +358 800 166 200.

Submit a damage report

You can submit a damage report for your leasing car on an online service. The report will automatically be sent to your vehicle’s insurance company. Alternatively, you can download and print an accident report form, sign it and send it to the insurance company. If you are the innocent party, you must also fill out a form to specify your need for a car and deliver it to the other party’s insurance company.

Go to the online damage report

Download the damage report form

Download the form for specifying a need for a car

NF Fleet’s damage repair partner Incar Oy maintains the damage report service. If you have any questions about damage reports, please contact

Vandalism or a break-in

If your car has been subject to vandalism or it has been broken into, you must report the incident to the police.

Leasing vehicle damage repairs

Damage repair pick up & delivery service is available to NF Fleet customers in the Helsinki capital area as well as in the Oulu, Rovaniemi, Turku and Tampere regions. The service is provided by NF Fleet’s partner InCar Oy. The damaged but roadworthy vehicle is picked up to be repaired from the driver’s work location free of charge. More information can be found here.

Accident support

For more information and assistance with accidents, contact NF Fleet’s technical support at +358 10 404 555.

Leasing vehicle roadside assistance

Most car manufacturers and importers offer roadside assistance for their customers. We recommend that you use primarily roadside assistance provided by the manufacturer or importer. Please see your vehicle manual for more information.
You can also contact NF Fleet Roadside assistance 24/7 free of charge. You only pay for the services you use (towing, rental car, journey continuation, accommodation, etc.).

NF Fleet Roadside Assistance +358 800 166 200 (free of charge when calling from Finland)

We welcome you as a customer. Contact us at 010 404 505