Yrityksen autoilun sähköistäminen onnistuu NF Electric -palvelulla.

Electric – Charging solutions

We offer an extensive charging network through our partners and help you find the best solution for you.

Electric offers charging solutions to make your everyday life easier

Electric makes it easy to charge your electric company car at work and at home as well as across an extensive network of public charging stations. Our charging solutions partners are ABC-lataus, Plugit and Virta.

You can find the public charging stations for our Electric customers here: ABC-lataus, PlugitVirta.

In practice, a company car user gets access to the ABC-lataus, Plugit or Virta mobile application, with which charging is easy and allow for the inclusion of the charging costs in our monthly leasing invoice. With Electric service, we also offer you comprehensive reporting, whichh makes It easy for you to monitor and evaluate your targeted environmental and cost benefits. Electric charging reports are available through My NF Fleet portal.

As a NF Fleet customer, we help you to choose the right charging solution – from a comprehensive solution including reporting and cost management to just the charging equipment with no smart cost control functions. It is also possible to include a home charging device as an accessory in a leasing contract.

Contact information for Electric

Customer service for businesses

When Electric service has been set up for you, you may contact our partners’ customer service:

Tel. 010 768 0080 (24h/Customer Service)

Tel. 0207 350 330

Tel. 0800 02200 (24h/Service Center)

Charging solutions

We help you choose the charging solution



We offer a simple charging solution and help with selecting the charging devices.



Installations are done smoothly by our partner all over Finland.



We handle the management of charging costs during the entire leasing contract.

Switching to electric company cars could not be any easier!
We will gladly tell you more about Electric.

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We welcome you as a customer. Contact us at 010 404 505